Monday, August 10, 2009


After a long hiatus, I am back...not really, let's be honest, I am horrible at blogging. I will be shutting my personal blog down because I am so bad at this, but I will keep plugging along on Josh's. He'd be pretty upset if I just quit before he makes it a year. Speaking of that...tomorrow will be his 11 month mark, which means, 1 more month and he'll have been gone for 1 year. Speaking for myself, it has been a very quick year. We are blessed that it feels like it's gone so fast. I intend on escorting my parents to Korea in a year to pick Josh up...who knows, we could be in Korea a year from now. The next year will fly!!

Josh is currently a trainer and his first greenie arrived last week (or the week before). He was both excited and nervous. Josh had some wonderful trainers to learn from, and as we all know, he is a born leader, so training will come naturally. He is the happiest he's ever been. I think he's learned to be more adaptable, one thing the 2 of us struggle with. Neither of us really like or welcome change in our lives, but this has required him to modify his thought process. I hope he becomes more adaptable and that he is blessed for learning this trait.

We should be receiving pictures soon, so I will post when I get those. Until then, please continue to pray for Josh.

Stay Classy